API Reference
  • PriceBook: This is like a catalog but with different prices and vats.
  • Catalog: This define the whole product list, options, price books and packages of the store.
  • Package: This define an association of multiple items with a specific price. It is basically a special product of a store.
  • Product: Define something that you can order. Each product is basically an item of a store (for example, a coffee, a sandwich, or a pair of shoes)
  • Option: An option is a modifier or an addon of a product.
  • PackageComponent: A package contains multiple components, each of them is a selection of products. To compose a package, consumers can chose on product from each component.
  • Tax: A tax is the VAT of a product or option.
  • Media: Media to display on an interface (for example, an image).
  • Planning: Planning of valid days and time for a price book (for example, monday from 10:00 am to 03:00 pm).
  • Partner: This is a company that have an integration with us and a contract.
  • Store: Shop, Restaurant.