API Reference
  • Order: Correspond to a customer's request to purchase one or more items from a merchant
  • ItemLine: Correspond to a purchase item (for example, a Tea or a Pair of shoes)
  • OptionLine: Corresponds to a characteristic of an item that can be optional or not, limited or not (with / without, small format / large format…)
  • PackageLine: Corresponds to a set of items that are combined and purchased together (3-pack of T-shirts, starter - main course - dessert menu)
  • PackageItemLine: Corresponds to the individual items that compose a package
  • PackageItemOptionLine: Corresponds to a characteristic of an item included in a package that can be optional or not, limited or not (with / without, small format / large format…)
  • Discount: Corresponds to a price modifier that can be applied at the order or line item level
  • Location: Corresponds to the location information of the order (address, table number...)
  • Consumer: Corresponds to the information of the customer behind the order (last name, first name, phone number…)
  • Payment: Corresponds to a payment applied to an order