Welcome! 👋
You’re probably looking to access SumUp POS Pro API and to develop an integration with our ecosystem. You’re a company with a technological solution or a merchant who wants a specific solution for your own store.
Either way, you’re in the right place.
SumUp POS Pro provides an API to connect and extend SumUp POS Pro system with:
- endpoints to retrieve or to post data regarding objects such as orders, pricebooks
- webhooks to be automatically notified when changes occur on subscribed events
API versions
This document is about SumUp POS Pro API V3. if you are looking for information about the previous version (Tiller API V2) please go to https://tiller-api.readme.io/.
Unless you have an existing integration using Tiller API V2, it is highly recommended to start developing a new integration with SumUp POS Pro API V3.
SumUp POS Pro provides two environments:
- SANDBOX: to develop and test your integration
- PRODUCTION: the real-life store environment
Environments are disconnected:
Your SANDBOX store behaves independently from the PRODUCTION store.
SANDBOX allows you to test your integration without risk of interfering with PRODUCTION data.
The mobile application running on iOS iPad is able to switch from SANDBOX to PRODUCTION at will. Users declared in the SANDBOX and PRODUCTION environments are also independent and one must reconnect on the iPad to switch from one environment to the other.
Getting SANDBOX access:
- if you’re looking to build an integration and make it available to all our customers: register on the following link https://tillersystem.typeform.com/to/pWCFeIc7.
- if you’re looking to build an integration for one specific customer: register in the AppMarket section of the back office application of the customer.